How do I maximise the potential of Ayurvedic Urea?
How do I maximise the potential of Ayurvedic Urea?
Like any supplement, you can enhance your experience by implementing strategies to maximise your results.
Before you take the supplement, we recommend finding out roughly what your TDEE is. Then increase your calories by 10-20% depending on how fast your metabolism is. Doing this guarantees that your body's energy balance will be the perfect combination for a long and successful growth spurt.
How do I work out my TDEE "Total Daily Energy Expenditure"?
Below is a TDEE calculator. Please fill it out and find out what your TDEE is. Remember to factor in any walking or steps that you do per day. To make it easier. Assume that 10,000 steps per day are the equivalent of 1 hour of exercise.
Once you have your TDEE number, you can use the percentage calculator below.
1) Leave "percentage change (increase/decrease X by Y%)" selected.
2) Put your TDEE number from the first calculator into the "Original value" box.
3) Choose " Increase By".
4) Put "10" in the box beside " Increase By" if you have a slow metabolism and are maybe already slightly overweight.
Put "20" in the box beside " Increase By" if you have a fast metabolism and are maybe already very lean.
If you are not sure, then
put "15" in the box beside " Increase By".
Now you will have an idea of how many calories you need to consume per day in order to optimise your course of Ayurvedic Urea.
What about an exercise routine?
We also recommend that you follow some kind of exercise routine to really ensure your body is functioning correctly and alleviate stress. Strength training will also help with any so-called inflammation or "growing pains" you may experience.
Although we do not provide a specific exercise routine ourselves, we can point you in the right direction in terms of recommendations. Drop us an email or WhatsApp, and we will have Jo or one of the team give you some guidance on some of the companies we have partnered with to help you in this regard.
Generally, a good routine to combine with Ayurvedic Urea should highlight the following six components: (not in any particular order)
1) Strength training
2) Stretching
3) A moderate calorie surplus
4) Sleeping patterns and circadian rhythms
5) Other superfoods and supplements that work well in combination with AU (Ayurvedic Urea)
6) High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
Ayurvedic Urea and circadian rhythm
Ayurvedic Urea and circadian rhythm
Hey! Quick question! Are you a bear, lion, dolphin or wolf?
Yes, that's correct your sleeping profile, AKA your chronotype, will fit one of the four animals or occasionally be a combination of two.
It's important that you find out exactly what your chronotype is in order to maximize your growth potential using Ayurvedic Urea. Understanding your chronotype will not only help you in promoting a long healthy growth spurt but will also enhance your general happiness and productivity.
It seems obvious, but you would not expect a lion to be the king of the jungle if he followed a wolf's schedule of sleeping until noon and hunting by the moonlight. Dolphins would quickly be eaten by sharks if they took a bear's 8-hour power nap.
The Same applies to humans. Our chronotype is encoded in our DNA and hardwired into our personality. If you try to fight this, you may feel sluggish all the time and have low mood and energy levels. This also means that our bodies will not be at their peak to receive any extra growth spurts from using AU (Ayurvedic Urea). There is a chance you will still grow, but it could end up cutting your gains by up to 50%. So rather than a 16cm healthy growth spurt, you would end up with just an 8cm result.
How to quickly work out my chronotype?
Without an alarm, when do you normally get up?
Before sunrise
With the sun
Late morning
It varies
When are you ready to go to bed?
I turn in early
Whenever the sun sets
I stay up late
When are you most productive during the day?
Morning hours
Mid-morning through early afternoon
Midday until evening
I get a burst of energy in the evening
How hard is it to get going in the morning?
No issues
Not too bad, but I'm slow to get going
Difficult because I feel like I'm off-schedule
Herculean because I frequently wake during the night
When do you feel an energy slump during the day?
Early evening
Late evening
I always feel tired because of frequent sleep interruptions
You describe yourself as:
A practical, organized leader
An open-minded, friendly people person
An impulsive creative type
An introspective, detail-oriented introvert
If most of your answers were A, you're likely among the 15 - 20% of the population who are lions. If you answered B, you're in good company with the 50% of us who are bears. C answers indicate that you're within the 15 - 20% with the wolf chronotype, while D answers suggest that you're in the 10% who are dolphins, the insomniacs of the animal kingdom.
Read onward to find out more about your chronotype and tips to get the most from your inner animal. (If the results of the quiz above were inconclusive, read through each to see which chronotype you feel fits you best.)
Tips for All Chronotypes Types
No matter which animal you are, there are a few other tips you can take with you from the animal kingdom to maximize your energy levels:
Mind your habitat. When you picture an animal's den, what images spring to mind? It makes us think of a cool, quiet, dark, simple place of comfort — and this is a great way to model your bedroom.
Darkness is among the most essential factors in getting a good night of sleep. Even the slightest light in the room will impair your circadian rhythms, so block all the light you can.
A set of blackout curtains in the bedroom is good. Also, covering the LEDs on power strips and chargers is even better. However, best of all is using a sleep mask that will block all the light from inside your bedroom and outdoors.
Animals maintain a simple, tidy den. Keeping your bedroom lair free from clutter won't just make it easier to navigate — it'll help reduce your bedtime anxiety, too. This will also provide a more motivational environment in which to wake up. This especially applies to your nightstand: limit it to just the essentials.
Waking at a specific time (even on the weekends) will keep your circadian rhythms running smoothly. Working out on schedule, having meals at the same time every day and maintaining a solid pre-bedtime routine will automatically let your mind and body know when it should be ramping up and when it's time to wind down.
Nap. If there's one area where animals have us beat, it's catching some shuteye. The reason? Animals don't fight to sleep the way we do — when the urge strikes, even the stubborn mule will doze.
That post-lunch slump is real: part of our natural rhythms includes a natural lull in the afternoon. Give in to this impulse. It won't just restore your energy levels — a nap will also make you more alert, sharpen your cognitive ability, sweeten your mood, improve your stamina, and even boost your immune system!
Get into the wild. All that time that animals spend outdoors exposes them to the sunlight that keeps their internal body clocks running like Big Ben.
Getting as much natural light as possible during the day will keep your routine running well. If you work indoors, try to situate yourself near a window or under a skylight. Sweep the curtains open when you first rise in the morning, and take your breaks outside whenever possible.
Since we humans don't hibernate when the weather turns cold, you may want to invest in a lightbox of at least 10,000 lux to simulate the sunshine you're missing during the winter months.
Consider a sleep divorce to your wife, husband, girlfriend or boyfriend. With 50% of the adult population falling into the bear chronotype, the odds are in your favour that you're both bears. But what if you're a wolf sharing space with a lion? Or a dolphin living with anyone (even another dolphin)? It might be worth considering a sleep divorce so you can both be at your best. Sleeping in different rooms (or even in shifts) isn't selfish: it can improve your relationship. When you're well-rested and operating on your natural peak schedules, you'll both be less irritable and have the energy to enjoy one another's company fully. Sleeping separately isn't any indicator that your relationship is in trouble — on the contrary, it can prompt you to be more intentional in your intimacy. Schedule some cuddle time before turning in, sleep together on the weekends and find other ways to replace the closeness of sleeping together — without sacrificing your sleep.
Everything you need to know about Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
Everything you need to know about Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
Our bodies are truly unique. We are made up of blood and organs that keep us going, and that gives us our spark of life and personality. We are also host to hormones that conduct chemical reactions like a symphony. These hormones all contribute to how we handle things when we are stressed or happy and how we grow.
What is the Human Growth Hormone (HGH)?
Growth hormone is released from the anterior pituitary gland into the bloodstream. The pituitary gland is also a hub which produces other hormones, all of which have different functions.
HGH not only promotes growth but also maintains the normal body structure and our metabolism, which includes helping to keep blood glucose levels within set levels. It can also improve vision, energy levels, brain function, and muscle tone, reduce body fat, decrease recovery times, and boost immune function.
It is a wonder hormone.
It is also the only growth hormone that has the ability to produce new muscle cells. Its positive effects pretty much have no limit.
How is HGH controlled?
HGH does not release continuously. It is released in a number of pulses every three to five hours and is caused by another hormone which triggers the release from a point higher up in the brain (the hypothalamus), which then causes the pituitary gland to release the HGH.
What effects HGH?
HGH levels are easily influenced in both a negative and a positive way.
They can be increased with sleep, diet and exercise, and they are produced at a much higher level during periods when there are low glucose levels in the blood.
HGH production is at its lowest during pregnancy and times when there are high levels of insulin-like growth factors in the blood (for instance, after you have just eaten). This reduction in growth hormone levels is affected by another hormone called somatostatin.
HGH goes by a variety of names.
As well as being known as Human Growth Hormone, it is also known as Somatotropin, GH and HGH.
Growing taller
To grow taller, you must ensure your HGH is at optimal levels. It would be best if you had it not only to induce that growth spurt you are after but also to repair cells and muscles and have a healthy internal system.
To find out more about growing taller, check out our other articles and read through our testimonials.
Top 5 vegetables that will help you grow taller
Top 5 vegetables that will help you grow taller
You know how your mum always used to say to you when you were younger, 'If you want to grow big and strong, you need to eat your vegetables'?
Well, it turns out she was right.
A healthy diet is one of the key things you need in your life if you want to grow taller successfully. A good diet is a balanced one with plenty of protein, a few carbs and a good amount of fruit and vegetables.
But what if I told you that you could give your diet a turbo boost and put your HGH production into overdrive just by adding a few super veggies to your diet? I am guessing you would love it, so that is precisely what I am going to do – as this is a secret that needs to be shared.
Below are five vegetables that will help you to grow taller.
1. Turnips
These beautiful and widely available vegetables are a great source of HGH hormones and vitamins. They are a superfood that will be sure to give your height a boost.
Whether you are juicing it, roasting it, or adding it to a salad or a soup, this vegetable will give your diet the kick in the pants it needs.
2. Broccoli
Broccoli is rich in Vitamin C, iron and fibre and also has anti-cancer properties. It stimulates your growth hormone production and your idle growth hormones. It improves the functionality of your body and is very good value when it comes to cost.
You can eat it raw, boiled, roasted, blended into a soup, stir-fried, and have it as a healthy snack or as part of your main meal. It is probably the most versatile vegetable on this list.
3. Spinach
Spinach is a versatile leafy green wonder of a vegetable. It is a rich source of vitamins, iron, calcium and fibres and will ensure that your body keeps functioning properly. It works to reactivate and stimulate the idle growth hormones in your body.
It is great as part of a salad or ground into a paste with water.
4. Brussel Sprouts
The Brussel Sprout is not just for Christmas. And not only will it help you grow taller by increasing your HGH production, but it is also rich in anti-cancer properties and will help your body stay healthy.
It is great in salads and as an accompaniment to most meat, and it is at its best and most beneficial when it is in a semi-cooked state (par-boiled).
5. Bok Choy
Bok Choy (otherwise known as the Chinese cabbage) is loaded with minerals, vitamins, dietary fibres and carbohydrates, and it works to stimulate the growth hormones in your body.
It is fantastic in soups and stir fries and is easy to cook with.
These vegetables would all make a fantastic addition to your diet. They will keep you healthy, increase your HGH production and give you the dietary boost that you have been looking for.
Time to get cooking!